RUDEC Sponsor an Orphan Program

Serve, Care, Education, Humanity   






The Rural Development Centre (RUDEC) which started in the South West Region in 2001, is the idea of man, Chiamba Joshua Anyeah. RUDEC became a reality in the North West Region, in Belo, in 2005 and was registered in February 2006 as a Common Initiative Group (CIG). In December 2011 RUDEC Cameroon was ungraded and registered as an association with the Government of Cameroon not for profit organization. The idea for RUDEC came about as a means to create employment opportunities for Joshua and other Cameroonian youths. Joshua realized that by focusing on the needs of rural people, a centre such as RUDEC could empower and benefit local communities.

Credits of this site goes to as the main website that this orphan project is detail on this site.


RUDEC envisions a positive environment in Belo, Cameroon area communities where persons, regardless of statute and income, are empowered and can achieve their educational, health, and career goals, where the residents have a better quality of life, and where RUDEC is a highly respected and sustainable organization.





RUDEC’s mission, as a non-governmental organization, is to continually seek resources that can promote the socio-economic empowerment of the underprivileged, contribute toward community development and skill sharing through voluntary interchange in Belo, Cameroon area communities.


RUDEC aims its educational, support and community organizing services at the conditions in the community that prevent underprivileged people from meeting their goals primarily through the work of its international volunteers.